41 research outputs found


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    This research is based on the main problem, namely: accessibility of the Bandung Cicaheum terminal is not optimal. This is thought to be caused by terminal management not yet being implemented. The approach used in this research is terminal management to the accessibility of case study passengers at the Cicaheum terminal. The research method used in this study uses qualitative methods with a case study. On this study, the researcher emphasizes more on investigations to understand social problems, based on respondents' detailed views of the problem. The results showed that the dimension of terminal management had not been carried out especially the planning dimension. The change of authority mandates that type A terminals that serve between cities and provinces become the authority of the central government. It has been three years since the mandate of the Law has been carried out over the function of authority, especially the elements of Personnel, Funding, Facilities and Infrastructure, and Documents (P3D). Research findings since the 2019 Budget Year Bandung City Government through the Department of Transportation has no longer allocated the Cicaheum terminal budget. Likewise, accessibility dimension, especially the intensity factor (density) of land use which is no longer suitable with the current conditions

    Sistem Administrasi Negara Indonesia

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    Evaluasi Kebijakan Standar Pelayanan Minimal Pelayanan Dasar Pemeliharaan Ketertiban Umum, Ketentraman Masyarakat dan Perlindungan Masyarakat di Provinsi DKI Jakarta

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    This study aims to obtain an explanation of policy implementation and attainment minimum standards service in the field of domestic governance types of basic services maintenance of public order, public tranquility and the protection of society in DKI Jakarta Province by taking the respondents implementing the policy in the civil service police force of Jakarta and society. Problem faced by Jakarta Provincial Government in this case the police force agencies civil service especially on the two indicators that do not reach the target: a). Complaint can be made online via the website or send an email, causing an increasing number of reports on complaints regarding violations of local laws that do not followed, b). Theres no an optimalitation for the offenders of local regulations and a misdemeanor, due to the lack of municipal police investigators in the neighborhood of Jakarta that is not a deterrent effect for offenders, c). The existence of a residential area that use the services of private security, so that when the inventory of community protection officers, Civil Service Police Unit of Jakarta does not include the private security officer to the criteria of public protection officer

    Pengaruh Laporan Keuangan terhadap Akuntabilitas Kinerja pada Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Bandung

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    Tingkat efektivitas pada LRA Tahun 2015-2016 masih belum bisa menggunakan sepenuhnya dari sumber dana yang ada Pada Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Bandung. Berdasarkan penelitian bahwa bahwa Laporan Keuangan yang terdiri dari terhadap Akuntabiltas Kinerja pada Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Bandung adalah signifikan dengan 6,088 dikarenakan t hitung 6,088 > t tabel 2,040 maka hasil tersebut “signifikan”, dengan kesimpulan karena nilai t hitung > t tabel maka dapat dikatakan bahwa Ho ditolak artinya dengan peluang kesalahan 0,05 atau 5% dapat disimpulkan bahwa hipotesis alternative Ha diterima, yang artinya bahwa hipotesis alternative “Pengaruh Laporan Keuangan terhadap Akuntabiltas Kinerja pada Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Bandung” teruji dan dapat diterima

    Morfologi Filsafat Administrasi

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    Pengantar Ilmu Politik

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    Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan

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